About Us
This expression in the dialect of Romagna regional, in Italian means "you have to do it": these are the words we have said to each other every time obstacles have been placed in front of us.
Yes, because to get here, there have been oceans to cross.
And now, once Sadafè has reached the mainland, we are glad to tell you about our first steps.
Dr. Federica Dolci, after graduating in pharmacy, has conducted a period of chemical analysis of oil and food products.
It is from here that arouse in her the passion to create products based on respect and nutritional enhancement of the raw material, so in 2018 Sadafè was born.

Sadafè: taste of Romagna was born precisely to valorize the raw materials of our beautiful and sunny Romagna countryside, implementing a transformation process based on sustainable production values, combining tradition and innovation.
In addition to conventional production, our laboratory is certified organic, this allows us to follow all the phases of the organic supply chain from the raw material to the finished product.